Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept. 22, 2008

Well, this was my second week of lessons. Joy is improving very quickly. Last Friday, we went and bought a chain, since then she has shown me alot more respect. Joy is very eager to learn and please you. This week we worked on lunging with the right lead, the inner front and back leading the pace. Her better side has always been her right, so she did better on this side. After a easy lunge for about 10 minutes, she was already panting, so we stopped and learned hunch turns. She did pretty good but learning them takes more time to learn than, the other turn we learned last week(my mind is blank so i don't remember what it is called.) Joy has a balance problem, she keeps her head up so she doesn't look where she is going and she throws her body off balance. Some of that might be me, but she does it when she lunges too. Our "homework" this week is to work on lunging which should help the balance problem and to work on hunch turns. I am also supposed to ride her and work on going from a walk to a canter. Kisses mean canter and clucks mean trot. I have to tell her those signals when I want her to go faster. I should always use the same one.

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